SSRS User Story 3: In order entity create a report look like mentioned below, it should show the address of selected customer and products dynamically.




·         Orders

·         Products


Fetch xml for retrieving orders



Fetch xml for retrieving Products from particular order



In visual studio add one report

Add one Data source

Add 2 Data sets

Here am adding 2 data sets with named as Order and Products

Order data set:

When Pre filtering is created then Parameter is created automatically.

Product data set:



If you want complete address use below field

If you use 2 data sets in single report not recommend field drag and drop

Use below format

Go to the expression and choose Datasetsàchoose dataset name àchoose field schema

Alternate colours in Tables Rows:


Report Output in CRM:

Adding SSRS Report in to CRM

Open the order record from orders entity click on Report and choose ssrs report name



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